
Why Autumn Years Enterprises

When I was trying to think of the name of my business my thought process began at what I liked. Autumn is my favorite time of the year, it is the beginning of cool weather after our long hot days! Then I thought of my age, but I had to be careful when doing my research on Autumn Years, I kept coming up with nursing homes.
I added Enterprises because it represents a project or undertaking. This gives me the initials AYE.

Which is saying Yes, I can do it!

Fall Fun

Apple Picking

Every Fall was the time to take my grandchildren to Tehachapi, CA. to pick apples, get their pumpkins and visit the various farms in the area. It is so close and so much fun! We had our traditions that could not be changed per my grandkids. First we would go to Kolesar’s Apples where the girls were able to pick their own apples. As they ran up and down the rows looking for their perfect apples, their faithful Grammy, that’s me, held the bucket for the collection. It was so great to create these memories, I have pictures of my granddaughter when she was little picking at this farm. Of course you have to sample the farms apples first to know which variety you want. After they fill the five gallon buckets to the top we venture onward to RB Family Orchard.

I have to tell you now that all of the farms are my favorite places. They each have their own unique specialties. Barbara at RB’s is always trying new recipes if you go early enough you will get hot apple turnovers. You don’t pick your own apples here but you pick out of all her special creations. This is where I always got my mom her Pomegranate Jelly that she loves. Now we are tired and beginning to get full, but that doesn’t stop us.

Down the road is Pulford’s Appletree Orchards. The first thing we would look for here are the two beautiful Blue Merle Collies. The girls had to pet the dogs first. Priorities, Priorities, Priorities. Then we would go inside and sample the ice cold apple cider, the best you have ever tasted. Again, my favorite. After sampling all the varieties and buying our cider we head down the road to Dries Farms.

Dries is where we would pick our perfect pumpkins. While the girls are out finding the great pumpkin I like to talk to the owner who grows lavender, gourds, and squash of all kinds. She makes her own lavender products from lotions to vinegars. This was the time to decide if we are too tired to go see the Ostrich Ranch today. Usually the answer is yes so we save that for the next day.

As we headed back to the town of Tehachapi we would stop at Knaus Ranch. This ranch is pick your own or you can go into the store and buy them already picked. Apples are not the only thing this store has. They make magnets out of the apple wood, homemade cobblers and bread, apple knick knacks and much much more. Needless to say we love this ranch.

Now, we were really tired so we ended the first day with our traditional meal at the Apple Shed, besides apple specialities, they make the best homemade pot pies. Unfortunately, the last year we went might have been their last year. They had sold the restaurant and wasn’t sure if the new owners would keep it the same. It’s a sad thing to see it go.

There are so many things to see in the mountains of Tehachapi. You can visit Wineries, Alpaca Ranch, Horse Ranches, Organic Gardens, Ostrich Ranch and much more. We would visit a ranch called Adorable Alpacas and they were truly adorable. At that time my six year old granddaughter showed how much patience she had as she became the Alpaca Whisperer. She slowly inch her way close to them to try and pet one.

Our weekend of fun not only created a family tradition but continued on at home as we baked and canned our goods from all the wonderful places we visited.

Color Changes

I had a special friend that was bravely fighting a very hard battle, yet she got up almost everyday and rode her horse up into the hills to look at God’s beauty, to fish, and enjoy life. Her strength and perserverance was such an inspiration to me. She had posted some pictures that perfectly capture why Autumn is my favorite time of year. The Colors!

Cooler Weather


Once Fall is here the celebrations just keep on going. I have so many birthdays in my family beginning is September that it seems like we are always celebrating. Then we creep into Halloween, but between you and me the decorations have been available since summer. November ‐ clear crisp days and cold nights sets the scene for Thanksgiving. The Christmas movies start so now we are really ready for Christmas. Last but not least, New Years Eve. I have to confess, I watch the ball drop in New York on the 9:00 news and go to bed soon after.

Perfect picture to depict my feelings about Autumn!